2023/24 Committee

Haydon S

Boat Officer

Ashley Walker



Honourable Membership Secretary

I am a longstanding member of CSAC, I enjoy instructing, my favourite diving is anywhere especially remote islands no-one else has heard of and especially Scotland. The Membership Secretary is the Club’s main contact point with the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC), so I am responsible for maintaining the club membership list, ensuring everyone’s subscriptions are up to date and that everyone has a valid medical.

Rob B

Minutes Secretary

I learned to dive through CSAC and am now a Sports Diver although recently my dive kit seems to be doing more diving than me! I keep the club’s website, mailing list, facebook group, and really anything technology related in smooth working order.

Steve L

Diving Officer

I learnt to dive with Kingston University Sub Aqua Club back in 2001 where I discovered I had a real fascination with all things under water. I enjoy all types of diving, especially exploring the many shipwrecks scattered all around the UK coast. As a relatively new member of CS-AC and I have been struck by how friendly everyone has been and how I have been instantly made to feel right at home. My role as chairman involves organizing and running committee meetings and helping out where required. As we have such a great team on the committee thankfully this involves very little work on my part, just don’t tell anyone.



I learnt to dive whilst living out in Australia, and upon returning didn't want to stop, despite the colder water! Upon starting a new job I found one of my colleages was a CSAC member so joined to do my sports diver qualification and have now completed my IFC so am an assistant instructor. I am now looking forward to lots more UK diving! On the committee my responsibility is this website.

Simon D


I learned to dive in 1987 with Black Cat Sub-Aqua club in Essex before moving to Bristol and joining CSAC in 1990. I took a break from diving between 2005 and 2017 and since returning I’ve tended to do mostly warm water diving. I’m a BSAC Advanced Instructor and keen underwater photographer. I’ve dived extensively in the UK, Red Sea, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Galapagos, Truk Lagoon, Mexico and several other countries.

Chris Bonham

Wessfed Rep & Members Rep

I started diving back in 2013 when I moved to Bristol. I decided to join Clifton because it felt like a really friendly club. After my try dive I was hooked! I started my diving journey with the Ocean diver qualification. Now I am an advanced diver and open water instructor where I teach the next generation of divers and instructors. Although I “just love” fish, rocks and underwater plants my real passion is technical diving and particularly diving wrecks of the ships from yesteryear. My Westfed role sees me represent CSAC at the regular BSAC South Western region meetings.