Join us for "In at the deep end", a talk by 1950s Navy diver Peter Shore

Upstairs at the Orchard Inn at 8pm on Wed 25th January, Peter Shore will be coming along to give us a talk about his experiences, training and working as a Navy (mine) clearance diver in the 1950s.

The talk will cover:- the diving equipment of that era, Navy training, serving in the Suez crisis and the Korean war and many anecdotes!

So if you want to find about about 2 man piloted mini submarines, pioneering re-breathers (and everything else) then don't miss this.

It should be an interesting evening so please come along.

See flyer attached. £5 at the door. Directions to the Orchard Inn are available here.

Posted in CSAC, Dive Club, Social Event on Jan 04, 2017