
Featured image for Winner of the BSoUP Splash in Competition

Winner of the BSoUP Splash in Competition

Over August bank holiday British Society of Under Water Photographers have their annual splash in competition. Anyone can enter but the photo must be taken over that weekend. Clifton had a trip seal diving in the Farne Islands. Vicky one of our budding underwater photographers came out as one of the national winners! Huge congratulations and well done.

Featured image for Sports Diver Training

Sports Diver Training

So far this season we have been working through and training people to get their next SCUBA diving qualification the BSAC Sports Diver. I'm pleased to say that several of our trainees managed to finish off that qualification last weekend in a diving quarry close to Bristol, Cromhall Quarry.

Sports diver is a great qualification open to all, already qualified divers and teaches divers with a basic qualification the essential skills to become a competent safe diver, rescue training and able to lead their own dives. Being a club we teach qualifications from the British Sub-Aqua Club but Sports Di...

Featured image for CSAC goes to the Eddystone Lighthouse!

CSAC goes to the Eddystone Lighthouse!

After an excellent start to the season with some fantastic weather we topped the diving off with a trip out to the Eddystone reef and lighthouse. The weekend was a mixture of SCUBA diving training and fun diving. Some members travelled from Brsitol for the SCUBA diving whilst the rest camped in Plymouth. The reef itself is 10 nautical miles offshore which is a long way out. The badger the new club diving RIB made the journey without missing a beat in just over 30 minutes! The visibility was fantastic and every rock face was covered in Jewel anemones and soft corals. After the dive ee flew back...

Featured image for Badger upgrade and 1st sea diving trip of 2017

Badger upgrade and 1st sea diving trip of 2017

Our new in 2016 club RIB has had a safety upgrade in preparation for 2017. SCUBA diving can now be supervised safely with the knowledge that Badger has navigation lights and a radar reflector!!

We also took the boat from Bristol down to Portland harbour for some SCUBA diving and training in the sea. Well done to all that came as we had some challenging winter conditions but topped it off with a great meal where the Burgers went down a treat.

Heres to many more great SCUBA diving trips on dive boat Badger in 2017!!

Featured image for Photos from 'In at the deep end'

Photos from 'In at the deep end'

On the 25th of January, Peter Shore spoke to us about his experiences working as a Navy clearance diver in the 1950s. The event was well attended by members from both CSAC and other Bristol dive clubs.

Featured image for Join us for "In at the deep end", a talk by 1950s Navy diver Peter Shore

Join us for "In at the deep end", a talk by 1950s Navy diver Peter Shore

Upstairs at the Orchard Inn at 8pm on Wed 25th January, Peter Shore will be coming along to give us a talk about his experiences, training and working as a Navy (mine) clearance diver in the 1950s.

The talk will cover:- the diving equipment of that era, Navy training, serving in the Suez crisis and the Korean war and many anecdotes!

So if you want to find about about 2 man piloted mini submarines, pioneering re-breathers (and everything else) then don't miss this.

It should be an interesting evening so please come along.

See flyer attached. £5 at the door. Directions to the Orchard Inn are ava...

Featured image for CSAC Running an BSAC Advanced Diver Course

CSAC Running an BSAC Advanced Diver Course

Clifton SAC will be running a BSAC Advanced diver course in conjucntion with the South West region. The details of this and all of BSACs regionally organised courses are available on the BSAC website under thier new 'training days' site.

The advanced diver course is designed to give divers the ability to plan and conduct SCUBA diving expeditions to remote and unknown sites from a variety of different diving platforms including member run boats such as our own diving RIB, Badger. The course will be run over 4 months and details are available on our calendar page..

Information about the new BSAC...

Featured image for CSAC Divers Contribute Images to Charity Calendar

CSAC Divers Contribute Images to Charity Calendar

Five divers from CSAC have contributed all of the images of wrecks to this year’s Lifeboat Fund charity calendar. The images include dive sites from the UK which include the famous SS James Eagan Layne to more exotic locations such as the USS Kittiwake which was sunk off Seven Mile Beach, Grand Cayman. This variation in dive sites highlights the breadth of diving CSAC undertakes on expeditions around the globe.

The Lifeboat Fund is an official charity of the Civil Service that exists for one purpose: to help the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) - the charity that saves lives at sea. ...

Featured image for New O'Three Blog From our President.

New O'Three Blog From our President.

Rick has greated another fantastic blog of the joys of UK night diving in the autum here. With the calm weather of late there have been so great opportunities to get wet and see some incredible marine life.

As always Rick's photos are excellent and do well to highlight the best of UK diving!

Featured image for CSAC Goes to the Red Sea!

CSAC Goes to the Red Sea!

Several members have headed off for a bit of Autumn sunshine in the Red Sea. Unfortunately Jim the only member with a camera has had a flooding issue so its surface photos only but the weather looks amazing. And the boat looks top class for some relaxing! [envira-gallery id="4695"]

Want to know more about CSAC SCUBA diving trips abroad and also around the UK ? Get in touch! Details are on the contact us page.